Contacts Embassies of Belarus

Transit through Belarus

Foreign citizens travelling in transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus, enter and departure from Belarus within the period no longer than 2 days including day of entry, excluding the cases of unintended delays.

The delay can be considered as unintended in the following cases:

  • natural disaster, crash and other emergencies of the natural and technogenic character;
  • necessity to repair the damaged vehicle;
  • diagnosed illness or poor state of health, if Belarusian medical organization concludes that further trip of a foreigner and/or accompanying person (s) seems dangerous for their life and health;
  •  unforeseen delay during transfer from one type of transport to another at the point of transfer;
  • other unforeseen circumstances preventing further travelling of a foreign citizen. 

Transit of a foreigner through the territory of the Republic of Belarus without visa is possible if:

  • a foreigner has other type Belarusian visa that granting him the right to cross the state border of the Republic of Belarus;
  • a foreigner is a passenger on a direct flight through the territory of the Republic of Belarus; 
  • a foreigner is traveling to the country of destination by international airlines with a transfer at the airport of the Republic of Belarus, provided that a passenger have documents granting entry to the country of destination and air tickets with the confirmation of the departure date from the transfer airport, if the period of stay on the territory of Belarus does not exceed 24 hours. At the same time, the passengers are not allowed to leave a designated zone of the airport;
  • he os she is a citizen of the state which have visa-free travel agreement with the Republic of Belarus;
  • the President of the Republic of Belarus makes a relevant decision on visa-free travel.

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